Wednesday, October 20, 2010

God is Faithful

I apologize for not writing anything for over a year. The reason? Well, after several research trips to Sao Felix and talking to key people, it seemed that Sao Felix wasn't going to be the place God had for us as we thought. I didn't know what to blog! In Jan 2010 we moved back to Altamira for a season to decide what the Lord wanted. He showed us that the river we were trying to minister to was going to be better accessed through Altamira via a little community called Maribel off the TransAmazon Hwy.
Clyde had been on research trip in Dec 09 and it was very exciting to him. He took a few other trips in early 2010 and it confirmed his heart to want to minister there. So in Sept 2010, we moved our family to Maribel, bought a house we couldn't refuse to buy and we are calling it home to our new ministry God is putting us to!
What is it like? Simple! We live in a small community of about 4 houses and a beautiful river with river folks living off the land with no power, no t.v. no running water and no bathrooms. God has stretched us and we are finding that simple is freeing.
The people have no church background. Everything is new. We are starting from ground zero and it is fun! Many cannot read or write. One man named Chico, has been the spiritual leader raised up from the Vineyard church in Altamira for the past 2 yrs. He cannot read or write. He has a talking solar bible and he has learned everything he knows from it. He listens to it so intently and has found a rock in Jesus. We are working with he and his wife and others that have opened their hearts to the gospel there.
We live where there is no internet, phones, cell phones, no power and no stores for 3 hours. We go to the city once a month or so to check in with everyone and give updates. We will keep you posted monthly as to our progress to share the gospel where there is no gospel presence! Pray for us as we are out there.
We appreciate your prayers for:
Wisdom in ministry
Intimacy with the Father
Strength to live where it is harder

Thanks for reading~ we'll try and stay more in touch!

1 comment:

MaestraBenefield said...

Wow! You guys are my heroes. So glad read your updates again.