Wednesday, September 30, 2009

More about Sao Felix

Our friend Josh Pflederer who traveled with Clyde put together a great video on this trip and I invite you to check it out.
Please go to his blog called "Between Here and There" located on the side of this page! Thanks!


Unknown said...

Hello Friend,
We have a person in your area who contacted us needing a Bible. Could you visit them, give them a new or used King James Bible, share the gospel with them, and invite them to your Church. Thank you for your sacrifice and service as we co-labor to reach the World with the Word of God.
Contact info:
David Burnette
Director, U.S.Bible Society

Unknown said...

> firstname: luciana
> lastname: lima
> emailaddress:
> country: brasil
> mailingaddress: rua amazonas,750nova imperatriz
> cidade imperatriz UF MA
> brazil
> comments: E muito importante doar bliblias para que as pessoas conheçam melhor a palavra de DEUS.E uma iniciativa muito louvavel.
> AreyouSaved: Yes