Thursday, January 16, 2020

Brazil's Father's Day and our 1st Baptisms

This year, we had been planning a baptism but it wasn't coming together due to folks traveling. But all things are in His timing and our first baptism couldn't of been on a better day!
Brazil's Father's Day
We planned a baptism and bbq at a really nice creek nearby. Everyone met at the house and we loaded everyone up and headed to the creek.
Poli and Clyde gathered all who wanted to be baptized and explained water baptism.
There were some 8 people who planned to get baptized.
The stories of each person are price less and special in how they came to Christ. For the missionary when one is baptized, we have a picture of what it is like to lead people to Christ and see the fruit of the Holy Spirit's work in their hearts. It's an awesome day! It personally gives me great encouragment!! It shows progress in a work that is made without hands! New creations that embark on the special unity with Christ. Much like marriage! But not earthly. It's spiritual intimacy with the Lover of our souls! The One who came to set the captive free and walk us through the trials and testings of life. The One who loves

This day was extra special because our 8 year old daughter, Maddy decided to be baptized as well. We had been talking to her for several weeks about it and what it means. She understood and wanted to be baptized. So Clyde had the honor of being in the water with her and praying her through it and being by her side as she rose up out of the waters! It was very special and we pray that her journey continues on to a firm path that will lead her into greatness in the Lord.

After our baptism, we moved on to the BBQ part. One of our leaders, Carlinha, left to get in a quick visit with a friend who was passing through. When she arrived at her friends she mentioned that she left the baptism to get in a quick visit with her. The friend, Daffney is her name, said "I want to be baptized", so Carlinha brought her down to the creek where we were. Daffney, when she visits from school in Santarem, comes to our services on occasion. We all knew who she was. Daffney is as new in the Lord as Carlinha(just a year in July)is.
They arrived and Carlinha asked me "Can Daffney be baptized too?" I said "OF COURSE!!" There was a little embarassment since our baptism was over, but I can't see John the Baptist telling anyone NO because he was taking in his lunch break! So Poli announced that Daffney wanted to be baptized and again opened it up for anyone else. There was also one other young man, who has recently been coming to our services, who wanted to rededicate his life and be baptized! It was a divine moment and we all dropped the lunch plans and headed back to the water. After the precious moment of praying for them, we headed back to lunch.

That night, we had more celebrating to do. We had Father's Day! The girls planned a dance with Carlinha. Kids had a craft to give their fathers after service and a lot of cake and soda after wards in celebration. Poli shared a touching message about the Father's Heart and it was well received!

We continue on with this church plant to disciple each and everyone who have made decisions for Christ. They are the first fruits and we know that there are many leaders already in the mix! As we head home for 6 months, we have a lot of faith that God will do a tremendous work of growth in each one of them. Some will move into ministry with children, start cell groups, begin preaching and teaching on Sunday nights! This is the model of church planting and raising up leaders. We look forward to seeing the growth.

We ask for your prayers for this church plant. It is about 6 months old.
Currently the church is meeting at Poli and Nega's home on the porch. It is a large area and has room for some growth. We are praying for it to grow and in His time we will have the money to build a building for the church to meet in. We have started building the house that Poli and Nega will live in on the property that was donated to the mission/church. It is at a stand still until more money can be raised. This is again about His timing and we ask for your prayers. We'd like to see Poli and Nega in the house ASAP, but sometimes it's not our timing that is best, but God's! We thank you for praying with us!
Abundant blessings!

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