Since out move to Maribel in September, we have worked really hard on getting our new home all cozy, starting to have church services in the homes of the neighbors and learning to live without water.
This has been a very dry summer and record lows for river levels. This has messed with the water table too and there is hardly any water in our well. Besides that, our ministry life is very different and fun. The folks out here are simple and relaxed and are without any church background. It's like starting a nearly ground zero!
The kids are doing well even though they still complain about it being so hard. That is a true statment. This life is hard and I have even more sympathy for those who live out here. But to chose to live out here and be born and raised out here are two different things. We chose to live here because we knew God wanted us to for His purposes. Without that, I wouldn't "choose"!!! It's like eternal camping!!! The community is very small. About 5 houses and the other neighbors who surround the community frequent the house and come to services on Sundays. We have free range pigs, chickens and cows. All of which are mess makers and part of the "cost" to live here on the grace side of things. Overlooking all that, I am quite content here. Just really need water!
We are pursuing a artesian well and praying God for the finances for it. We bucket in our water from the river. I wash all our clothes and dishes every day in the river. I am so grateful for our truck to haul it back and forth because we don't live on the water front! We live about a 1/4 mile from the river bank.
Life is very different. And when I have more time, I'll write what those differences are!
Thanks for praying for us and we will continue to update as we can! Blessings!
PS, my mom and her hubby are here for the next week to see our new home and ministy! Should be fun and interesting to see how they do!!!